Wiz Accounting – Financial solutions for your business. Wiz Accounting is a commercial accounting and accounting expertise company that offers complete financial services to small and medium enterprises. The services we offer:
Whether you are an experienced entrepreneur or, on the contrary, you are just starting your first business, we try to offer all the services the business needs, doubled by our training and experience:

- Optimizing and streamlining the economic-financial records by implementing the accounting data of all companies in the CIEL Professional reference software.
- efficient coordination, management, control and decision-making in the field of financial-banking operations
- optimization of settlement operations with commercial partners
- comprehensive reports and listings at the level of the information provided
- streamlining the work of recording and following the objectives of the activity
- fiscal accounting, depreciation, commercial management and cash register are interconnected in a single module;
- coordination of the economic-financial information service of the company
2. Strict specialization of companies in certain fields of activity, such as: trade, production, services, etc.
3. Optimizing the organization of information flows and document circuit.
- Preparation of financial reports in accordance with the specific requirements of each customer and with the Romanian legislation in force;
- Preparation of financial reports according to GAAP and IAS international standards;
- Preparation of the balance sheet, of the statements regarding taxes and duties, of the fiscal files;
- Preparation of the revenue and expenditure budget;
- Analysis of fiscal and management accounting reports;
- drafting, certification of ordinary (half-yearly and annual) and extraordinary balance sheets (mergers, liquidations, etc.);
- monthly or quarterly drafting of settlements and statements regarding taxes and duties due;
- drafting the revenue and expenditure budget and the CASH FLOW;
- Accounting expert report ordered by the judicial bodies or requested by natural persons under the conditions provided by law;
- Preparation of payrolls;
- Preparation of payment orders for taxes to the state on: salaries, VAT, profit.
- Computerized accounting records – financial and management accounting work;
- Company valuations;
- Assets valuation for sale, guarantee, capital increase
- Inventory of assets
- Certification of the balance sheet
- Dissolution, dismemberment of companies
- Feasibility studies, business plans, credit documentation
- Market surveys
- Preparation of project financing requests
- Economic-financial analyzes for commercial companies
- Sectoral or branch analyzes
- Financial management consulting
- Tax advice
- Consulting in the elaboration of programs regarding the automatic generation and calculation of data from the balance sheet forms and its annexes
- drawing up the trial balance of the accounting journals provided by Law 82/1991 as subsequently amended;
- preparation and submission of monthly reports;
- preparation of the balance sheet;
- preparation of financial statements according to international standards
- Consulting in the elaboration of tender books regarding the valuation of companies and assets
- As part of this service, we can offer the following:
- Financial and management accounting
- Preparation of financial reports in accordance with the specific requirements of each customer and with the Romanian legislation in force
- Preparation of financial reports according to international standards, GAAP and IAS (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow)
- Preparation of the balance sheet, of the statements regarding taxes and duties, of the fiscal files
- Preparation of the revenue and expenditure budget
- Analysis of accounting reports
- Accounting expert report ordered by the judicial bodies or requested by natural persons under the conditions provided by law
- checking the inventory of assets and certifying the capitalization of its results
- verification of the certification of establishment of the net profit and of its distribution on legal destinations

We are small entrepreneurs too. We understand the problems you are facing because we are also facing them.
Use our training and experience to overcome the problems your business is facing.
What can the consulting service accomplish?
- Creates new opportunities for you and your business
- Gives you better control over business administration
- Most importantly, “listens” to the needs of your business
- As a business partner, first of all we “listen”. We listen to what your vision is, and we respond with specific solutions that will take your business where you want.
As part of the tax consulting services, we offer information on:
- VAT and corporate tax;
- Global income tax, taxation of sole traders;
- Income tax on micro-enterprises;
- Updating of legislation in the field of taxes and duties.
- Analysis of financial flows and cash flow statement;
- Analysis of accounts receivable and payable;
Taxes and duties:
- Tax advice at the level of your organization;
- Global income tax;
- Corporate tax;
- Assistance in order to avoid double taxation of income;
- VAT;
- Social Security;
- Optimization of taxes to be paid and solutions for their minimization in accordance with the laws in force;
- Assistance of the taxpayer during tax audits;

The employees of our company can represent any commercial company in relation to the Territorial Labor Inspectorates. At the same time, they prepare the payrolls, draw up and submit the reports related to salaries, calculate the fiscal obligations and the contributions to special funds.
We are concerned to provide our customers with a complete and confidential service.
Payroll means more than paying a salary, it is an important connection that creates trust and credibility between you and the employees you have.
Whether we are talking about employment contracts, tax records or other documents, we take care of everything.
We consider it opportune to offer, together with the accounting services, services related to human resources and payroll, so that the package of services for the customer is as comprehensive as possible:
– personnel administration;
– preparation of statements related to salaries and their submission to the competent institutions;
– preparation and registration of employment contracts, decisions and addenda in the General Register of Employees – REVISAL;
– knowledge verification and initial training of the staff from the financial-accounting department;
– preparation of payrolls;
– payrolls are prepared using the module “Cloud Salaries”.

- A) Preparation of the file with the documents (*) required by Law no. 319/2006 on occupational safety and health and the methodological norms for applying the provisions of the Law:
– Preparing and/or updating the annual prevention and protection plan in the field of labor protection;
– Elaborating own instructions for supplementing and/or applying occupational safety and health regulations, taking into account the particularities of the activities and the unit/enterprise, as well as those of the jobs/workstations;
– Preparing the topics for all the training phases, establishing the adequate periodicity for each job;
– Identifying the personal protective equipment necessary for the workstations of the enterprise and drawing up the list of the necessary individual prevention and protection equipment for workers;
– Proposing the duties and responsibilities in the field of occupational safety and health, which belong to the workers, corresponding to the positions held, which are recorded in the job description, with the approval of the employer;
– Establishing the areas that require occupational safety and health signaling, establishing the type of signaling necessary and its location;
– Keeping a record of high-risk areas (where applicable);
– Preparing the action plan in case of serious and imminent danger (where applicable);
- B) Monthly assistance:
– Effectively taking part in verifying the acknowledgment and application of the measures proposed in the prevention plan;
– Monitoring the operation of protection systems and equipment;
– Keeping a record of occupations that need authorization and how to exercise them in compliance with occupational safety and health provisions;
– Preparing reports and lists provided in Government Decisions;
– Monitoring the fulfillment of the measures proposed in the prevention and protection plan;
– Preparing individual training sheets for new employees;
– Carrying out the measures ordered by the labor inspectors on the occasion of inspection visits and event investigation.
– organizing activities related to fire prevention and control;
– fulfilling the criteria and requirements of training, approval, authorization, attestation, certification, endorsement regarding fire prevention and control (P.S.I.) provided by the normative acts in force;
– periodic analysis of capacities related to fire prevention and control (P.S.I.);
– analyzing the fires produced, drawing conclusions and establishing the circumstances and determining factors, as well as some measures in line with reality.
- A) Preparation of the file with the documents required by the Law on fire prevention and control 307/2006 and the general application norms which includes:
– Internal Regulations I.R. (including obligations to know and comply with fire prevention and control decisions;
– Job description (including the method of learning and observing the measures for fire prevention and control;
– Specific fire prevention and control instructions for each job;
– Records of areas with high fire risk (where applicable);
– Preparation of the action plan in case of an emergency situation (where applicable);
– The intervention plan of the company (the identification data of the economic agent; the general plan of the unit; the concept of organizing and carrying out the intervention in case of fire; the intervention forces in case of fire; the water supply sources in case of fire, outside the unit; the plan of each construction, technological installation or storage platform) – according to Law 307/2006, Article 19 item j), the administrator has an obligation to ensure the preparation and updating of the intervention plans and the conditions for their application at any time.
– Evacuation plan;
– Topics for all phases of training;
– Individual training sheets for fire prevention and control.
B) Monthly assistance:
– Effective participation in verifying the acknowledgment and application of the measures proposed in the prevention plan;
– Monitoring the operation of fire extinguishing systems and equipment;
– Issuing decisions for carrying out the activity in accordance with the norms for fire prevention and control: responsibilities, working with open fire, banning smoking in illegal places;
– Record of jobs that need authorization and how to exercise them in compliance with the provisions for fire prevention and control;
– Record of personal protective equipment;
– Participation in special events that may occur (inspections or other events);
– Preparation of reports and lists provided in Government Decisions;
– Carrying out the measures ordered by the inspectors for fire prevention and control (P.S.I.) on the occasion of inspection visits and event investigations.